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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Collier County Floodplain Update

Taken from the Collier County Newsletter April 24, 2008

The Community Development and Environmental Services Division’s
Engineering Services Department is offering Floodplain Management Plan seminars to discuss updates concerning Collier County’s flood maps. Federal fl ood maps are used to determine flood zones in unincorporated Collier County. An improper flood zone designation can require homeowners to purchase flood insurance unnecessarily, costing them hundreds of dollars each year. Current FEMA flood maps are based solely on coastal surge flooding. In 1998, the Federal Emergency Management Agency provided the county with draft copies of their intentions to update the county’s flood maps. Both the county and City of Naples expressed concerns with the Floodplain Management proposed revisions of fl ood
zone heights and locations. Consequently, in 2004, the Federal Emergency Management Agency authorized Collier County government and the City of Naples to conduct a new Flood Insurance Study for
use in the development of the updated FEMA Flood Insurance Rate
Map. The county is working diligently to update the maps and
incorporate both coastal surge and inland rainfall-induced fl ooding
to accurately determine flood zones in unincorporated Collier County. The current schedule for completion of the ongoing study and production/implementation of new maps is early 2010.
The next fl oodplain management public information meeting will be
May 5 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at St. John the Evangelist Church, 625 111th Avenue, Naples. For more information, visit

What this means folks, is that the new floodplain plan will assist in saving the homeowners money in their insurance rates. YEAH!!!!

Joani Alderuccio RN, BSN, Realtor
Alderuccio Realty Group, LLC

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